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Disclaimer: This is a SPEC AD and is in no way affiliated with DoorDash.

This spec ad was created in collaboration with a copywriter. My job was was to design the mock-up of a landing page while presenting their text and message. The purpose of the landing page is to attract small restaurants into partnering with the popular food delivery service DoorDash, with the promise of increased sales and customers.

I wanted the page to be colorful and eye-catching for viewers. This was accomplished through my choice of photography and the splashes of DoorDash's iconic red/orange primary color (as seen in DoorDash's logo). The text is organized in a way that makes the most sense for a viewer reading through the page. The overall goal of the page is for small restaurants to sign up to become partners, which is why the "Become a partner restaurant" button so clearly stands out on the page. It was important for the aesthetic to match the overall branding of the company, while still looking fresh and unique.

DoorDash Landing Page 2-01.png
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