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My latest project has consisted of creating the branding and graphic design elements of a delectably devious new tabletop game called BitterSweet!

BitterSweet is a card game with elements of drafting, hand management and set collection. The primary goal of the game is to collect chocolates that you love and avoid chocolates that you hate! This casual yet strategic game with some push-your-luck moments has been made possible through the collaborative efforts of the game designer, the illustrator, and myself, the graphic designer.

Front/Top of Box Mock-Up
6.15 FINAL 3D Box BACK w New Markings.png

Digital mock-ups of front/top & back/bottom of the box below. Photography of physical box coming soon. 

Using art assets produced by the illustrator and myself, I designed the layouts and typography of the various card types, as well as the other game components and elements. This includes the logo, iconography, rule book, box design, social media postings, Kickstarter graphics, etc. All were created using a combination of InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop.

Photography of gameplay with printed playing cards below.

The images below are some of the marketing graphics created along the way to promote the game and build excitement for it's Kickstarter campaign! It was important for them to be eye-catching and vibrant, which is on brand with BitterSweet's aesthetic.

Various social media assets below, including postings, banners, etc.

Also included is a PDF of the game's rule book, which further demonstrates my success with layout and typography. I gathered as much feedback as possible from both game designers and casual gamers, as I wanted the rulebook to be simple and easy to understand for all ages and levels of tabletop gaming experience.

Adobe stock booklet.png

I also spearheaded the editing of the Kickstarter video, which you can also find on this page. I wanted it to be short and sweet, while still intriguing and memorable to the viewer. My hope was that the humorous and silly nature of the content would draw the viewer down into the rest of the Kickstarter page. The Kickstarter video can be viewed below.

BitterSweet launched on Kickstarter on April 27, 2021.

The campaign spanned 30 days and fully funded on its final day!

Click the Kickstarter logo below to check out BitterSweet's Kickstarter page! 

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